Purchase a phone number
To purchase a phone number, please follow these steps:
Go to Settings / Phone Numbers
Click the + sign on the top of the page
Within the opened modal, click Change if you want to search for a number in a different area code or country.
Click Register to purchase the number
Purchase international numbers
Some countries require documents before you can purchase phone numbers in these countries. Please contact us to provide these documents.
Assign a phone number
You can assign the phone number to a group or a user by following these steps:
Within the Assigning section, select the group or team member from the drop-down
Click Save to confirm
Delete a phone number
When a phone number is deleted, you have 7 days to request its restoration. There is a $10 restoration fee.
To delete a phone number, please follow these steps:
Go to Settings / Phone Numbers
Select the phone number you want to delete
Click Delete phone number button on the right panel
Confirm the deletion within the confirmation modal.